Permanent Collection

Over the past 20 years, Art at the Heart has built a sizeable permanent art collection through the acquisition of site specific commissions or generously donated or loaned on a long term basis by artists and individuals, providing a substantial asset to The Trust. This includes the internal and external courtyards throughout the hospital that showcase a range of 3-D artworks, so a glance outside the building is as engaging as walking around inside.

In addition to the public areas, we sell and arrange commission of artwork for display in wards and departments. Our aim is to ensure that the quality of artwork and framing throughout the Trust is of a consistent high quality.


Butterfly Rainbow In May 2020, Damien Hirst created Butterfly Rainbow to show support for the NHS in the Coronavirus crisis. The work is made up of bands of coloured butterfly wings, one of the artist’s best-known motifs. A limited edition of the work was produced with all profits donated to NHS Charities Together, raising a … Continue reading Atrium


Echo of the Elephants, Martyn Colbeck For over 20 years, Martyn been documenting the lives of one family of elephants in Amboseli National Park, Kenya. Together with elephant scientist Cynthia Moss, Martyn has made three films for the BBC’s world-renowned Natural History Unit in Bristol following the day to day lives of an elephant matriarch, … Continue reading Stairways