
Artsparks was first established in 2008. Art workshops for young patients and their families/carers makes a real difference to their overall experience and hospital stay; which also supports the clinical teams and in turn reduces pressures across the ward. These sessions are so valuable and make such a difference to a child’s experience in hospital. Children often start workshops shy and unsure but leave with huge smiles and an enormous sense of achievement. Inevitably, this makes the whole ward a happier place.

Artsparks workshops are running weekly on the RUH Children’s ward led by our artists Charlotte Stowell and Catherine White alternately. The professional artists offer a wide range of creative projects and materials to inspire young patients each week. Artsparks sessions are based in the Playroom, on the bays and in side room to include everyone, whatever their abilities or additional needs. The intention is to allow children to enjoy the freedom to produce their own artwork in a safe, supportive and non-judgemental setting.

Workshops provide a feeling of hope and positivity on the Ward. Patients are encouraged to be imaginative and have fun!
‘The workshops are a highlight and makes coming in to hospital a much more positive experience’ Parent
“Art therapy is an incredibly vital part of healing for children and can be so beneficial not only to provide them with a stimulus during their stay but as a way often of coping with the challenging psychological aspects of living with a chronic or overcoming an acute illness. Art provides a creative outlet, which can aide recovery, stimulate discussion, and provide entertainment as well as general enrichment to children’s lives during a difficult time. Art can provide children with a time to feel ‘normal’ and at ease often when navigating illness which for some of our children can be incredible scary and daunting, it makes hospital feel safer and provides something tactile and fun to pass the time. For parents, their child’s time spent with our artist allows for some vital respite and some time to switch off a bit from the trauma of childhood illness – art can also be something they do together as another form of family healing.” Matron and Trustwide Paediatric Lead

Total number of Artsparks workshops (April-Oct ’24): 25
Total number of participants: 299
Children’s Ward teachers, nurses, doctors, dieticians, psychologists, OTs, therapists, Spiritual Care and medical students always take an interest in workshops and stay for a short time if they can. The average is 4-5 extra people at each workshop.
Having specialist creative activities each week helps the Children’s Ward staff, including the Play Specialists who work closely with both artists:
“We rely and looks forward to the Wednesday artist in residence sessions, they make the Play Room and ward a better place, due to giving children and young people something to look forward to” Hospital Play Specialist
“I’m so impressed by the quality and dedication of the Artsparks service at the RUH. The service further supported my daughter’s recovery to health.” Parent
“Amazing! Makes a bad visit more enjoyable. My 4 year old loved every moment with friendly staff.” Parent
“Helped massively to distract from pre-op nerves. Had loads of fun! Wants another op to be able to do it all again. Thank you!” Parent
Stitch in Time

Art workshops take place on Combe Ward (OPUS) every Thursday morning. Professional artists Charlotte Stowell and Catherine White deliver Stitch in Time creative sessions in the Combe day room. The workshops create an uplifting and cheerful atmosphere on the ward for patients, visitors and staff.
Patients are encouraged to take part and try something new. This year’s workshops have included watercolour painting, gel printing, collage, clay work, fabric, plaster bandage ModRoc sculpture, window decorations, weaving, drawing, felt pictures and Fimo polymer clay modelling, along with a changing seasonal wall display.
Conversations between patients around the table are often fascinating, about their families interests and life experiences. Taking part can help for patients living with dementia or for those experiencing anxiety.
There have been noticeable benefits for some patients who work in a group, with more interaction and improved communication skills.
‘I’m not anxious today because I’ve been occupied. It’s been marvelous’. Patient on Combe Ward
Having interesting activities taking place, such as art or music, gives a patient more incentive and motivation to get up and participate, which can help maintain mobility and independence.

Art workshops on Combe Ward are overseen by Cameron Long (Day Room and Activities Coordinator), to advise on patients taking part, mobility support staff are on hand to advise and assist if needed.
Bath Spa student Lizzie Royle is helping at workshops this year as part of a work placement with Art and the Heart.
Combe Ward staff have said how these sessions help improve mobility, independence, motivation and confidence for patients who can decline quickly in hospital. OTs find it useful to observe patients taking part in workshops, as a way of assessing abilities. A clinical research nurse recently observed how patients benefited from the stimulation and social activity during the art workshop, she thought offering this on other OPUS (such as Waterhouse) to reach more patients would improve low mood and anxiety, which is common for this older age group.
Visitors are always welcome to join the art workshops with patients. Being occupied can make it easier to spend time together in hospital or if conversation isn’t easy. Family members say they find it reassuring to see their loved one taking part, which makes a difference and shows a good level of care at the RUH. A vase of flowers, interesting objects on the table and music (chosen by patients) on an ipad are all good talking points and create a positive feel to these sessions. Any patients unable to come the day room can work with materials on an over-bed trolley.
The art group helps with socialisation for patients who may otherwise be worried and withdrawn. Working together helps to make them feel connected to a group and they often interact with each other in a humorous or supportive way.
I never fail to be impressed at the skills and ideas that are drawn out of patients during the session and at how individual contributions come together in one of the themed projects.
There is often a very informal and joyful atmosphere in the room and patients who stay longer remember and look forward to the next session.” RUH Occupational Therapist
Stitch in Time was set up as part of Art at the Heart’s participatory project strand in 2012, providing weekly creative art and reminiscence workshops on the RUH older patients units led by a professional artist, co-produced by textile students and volunteers.
Total numbers of workshops: 20
Total number of participants: 83
OPUS staff take an interest in workshops and stay for a short time if they can, including HCAs, nurses, doctors, dieticians, psychologists, OTs, therapists, Spiritual Care, Dementia Support team, Spiritual Care, RUH volunteers, Enhanced Care team and medical students. They also enjoy seeing the colourful wall and window displays. The average is 3-4 extra people at each workshop.
In a year, our artists reach on average 800 patients from both the Children’s Ward, Combe Ward and OPUs.