Soundbite has been generously funded by Friends of the RUH for 2024-2025.

Soundbite is the hospital music programme produced by Art at the Heart of the RUH for patients, staff and visitors of the Royal United Hospital Bath.
Frankie Simpkins is the Soundbite Musician in Residence. With nearly 13 years of experience using music on the wards of the RUH (alongside an abundance of community musician work out in the community), she has developed a unique role in which her completely person-centred and patient-led approach improves not only patient wellbeing, but staff and visitors as well. She has been described as “part of the furniture” with staff looking forward to the days she is in, and telling patients and visitors in advance of her visits.
Frankie currently works one and a half days a week at the RUH, with a half day dedicated to the Childrens ward and NICU, and the rest of the time spread across select wards, mostly OPU’s.

“You’ve made my week” Dermatology consultant
“Thank you, that was beautiful” Visitor
“Thank you so much, I can hear it in my office and it’s really cheered me up” Staff member
In order to evaluate and monitor her role, Frankie records her ward reach and any significant comments or events after every ward visit. She also gathers feedback through Soundbite feedback cards intermittently.
From April-October inclusive Frankie has done 117 ward visits and reached:
1306 patients
831 visitors (majority being parents on Childrens ward and NICU)
1183 staff

Predicted reach by the end of March 25:
Taking an average ward reach of 670 per month (working one and a half days a
week), we can predict that by the end of March 25 Frankie will have reached a
further 3,350 patients, visitors and staff, taking her full year total to around 6,670.
Through the Soundbite Programme we aim to increase access to musical provision across the RUH community; improve the well-being of patients, staff and visitors at the RUH, and to provide students and emerging musicians with the opportunity to gain experience of music facilitation and performance in a health care setting.

Frankie generally visits older patient wards when possible but offers visits to other patients all around the hospital. She delivers musical interactions and performances with patients and staff, using voice and ukulele. Frankie is very experienced working in a hospital setting, and is sensitive to performing in a busy ward environment. She ensures to work around medical staff carrying out their tasks, whilst creating a calm and uplifted atmosphere for them to work in.
The Soundbite Performance programme is generously funded by Friends of the RUH and The Joyce Fletcher Charitable Trust.
“The pleasure you bring is priceless.” Patient
“The patient’s enjoy singing and listening to Frankie the most out of all activities offered on the ward. Always lifts the patient’s mood and they look forward to seeing her again!” Staff Member
Lunchtime Performances
Our lunchtime performance programme has been kindly supported by The Joyce Fletcher Foundation for a number of years. We have had professional musicians from organisation Live Music Now (LMN) and from local professional musicians here in Bath through Bath Folk Club. Performances usually take place in the Atrium (or another public space) and then on two wards. As with all our music at the RUH, the lunchtime performances are still very adaptive and fluid, with last minute ward or area changes possible if needed to accommodate any circumstances on the day. Our visiting musicians are always accompanied by either an AATH colleague or one of our experienced volunteers who are able to help direct and guide the musicians during their time in the ward environment.

Our partnership with King Edward’s School and their music department is the perfect compliment alongside our programme bringing some larger ensemble performances into the large public spaces at the RUH.
Music in the Dyson Cancer Centre
We had a very successful introduction to music in the new Dyson Cencer Centre at RUH in early November when we took Live Music Now musician Josh Doughty into the DCC atrium
and onto William Budd ward. We carefully selected Josh to be the first musician to play in the DCC due to the relaxing, uplifting and tranquil nature to his music, playing the Kora, a West African harp. We collected feedback from a selection of staff, visitors and patients who were all very positive about the music.

“Comforting, especially in the afternoon” Patient, William Budd
“Beautiful, calming and uplifting music. Made my day, Thank you” Visitor in DCC
Soundbite has been generously funded by Friends of the RUH for 2024-2025.