Participate Virtual Workshops

We have created nine short workshop videos with corresponding illustrated instructions as well as single patient art bags to be used independently by young patients on the Children’s Ward. We have also shared these resources with specialist ward coordinators, OTs, medical students and volunteers.

See examples below of creating paper sculptures with artist, Edwina Bridgeman and Fimo models with artist, Charlotte Stowell. If you click on the 1/9 list icon in the top right hand corner you can view all the nine videos or choose the one you would like to watch via YouTube.

Visits from family members, artists and volunteers were of course restricted during the pandemic and activities offered on many wards had been on hold.

“The artists are a great asset to the Children’s Ward. The weekly workshops provide a regular resource that can be accessed by all resident families. We really missed this resource during the pandemic so art packs and resources would really be a beneficial addition; your video and worksheet suggestions are all great.” RUH Play Specialist

Virtual workshop themes, previously tried and tested over the years with patients at the RUH across all age ranges can be viewed and these are accompanied by hand drawn worksheets and free good quality, imaginative art materials provided in a single patient use art bag. These will not only benefit patients and  their families directly but can also be used as a training and support tool for medical students including Norland nannies, ward specialists, therapists and volunteers. 

The art bags are a great resource for evenings and weekends especially. By following the simple instructions and using materials provided, patients have been able to continue creating their art and craft work at home.

“I really loved the workshop and it was so fun to do something creative. Charlotte was very helpful and helped me make some beautiful things. Made my hospital experience loads better, thank you.”  Patient                      

pARTicipate Art Bag Worksheet Example

Art Bag Contents Example

Work Placement Feedback

I am a registered paediatric nurse, currently undertaking a full time BA Fine Art course with the University of the West of England in Bristol.  I volunteered to work with the Art at the Heart team at the Royal United Hospital in Bath, as part of my second year work experience module. I worked with long term Visiting Artists Charlotte Stowell and Edwina Bridgeman, delivering the Art in a Bag scheme on the children’s ward, and I thoroughly enjoyed my placement. 

It was really inspiring to see how these professional artist interacted with the children on the ward and how the children responded to them.  As a nurse, I am usually too busy to give the patients in my care much attention beyond the medical needs they require, so it was fabulous to be able to spend time with these sick children and take their mind off their ailments.  Children can tell when you have a hidden agenda and see through attempts to placate them with play before, during or after a procedure.  This is why Visiting Artists are so important, the children know the artists are not going to ask them to take a medicine they do not like or do anything at all they do not wish to do.  This allows children and parents alike to relax and enjoy an activity purely for what it is.  Children get one to one attention focused on them and their imagination.  Parents can join in with these activities too and often enjoy having another adult to speak to.  It takes a certain level of skill to provide a dedicated creative service like this to families in a hospital environment.  Play specialists and Nurses cannot spend time with a patient and family in this special way. 

I have gained an incredible amount through this placement, not only as an artist but also as a nurse.

Work Experience Testimonial