The South Gallery is situated in Zone C on the Ground Floor along the corridor that leads to the Lansdown Restaurant.
Zennor Box
To view and purchase any artworks in this exhibition, please visit Zennor’s website below and mention seeing the work at the RUH or on our website. A donation will then be made to the RUH.
“In that Click Moment when you first see one of my paintings, it should be instantly engaging and recognisable…..a beat later you realise it’s not quite what you thought it was.”
Zennor uses animals and invented creatures to highlight human concerns, habits and stories. This allows you to view the drama within the image rather then be critical of a particular person.
Whether it’s the Hare/Rabbit in ‘Butterflies at Dusk’ or the Bear and Mouse in ‘BearHug’ or the Rabbit in ‘It’s Behind You’, there’s an intimacy these little creatures unwittingly reveal to us as they go about their daily lives. Unawares and in private there’s no need for them to pretend or perform, they’re in their own world with all its trials and tribulations. There in lies an honesty – and this is where Zennor wants the viewer to be, involved in a world going on that’s intimate, magical and frequently echoes our own.