Bath Artist Printmakers

Bath Artist Printmakers have been a part of the cultural life of the city since its foundation in 1984. The second floor gallery is a permanent exhibition space for Bath Artist Printmakers – a group who work together as a co-operative in Larkhall, Bath. They provide studio space and facilities for artists to further develop their skills as printmakers and to promote awareness of the techniques involved through exhibitions and courses. Their workshop in Upper Lambridge Street provides facilities for all kinds of printmaking techniques including etching, woodcut, linocut and basic screen printing.

The exhibition at the RUH displays a cross section of members’ work produced at their workshop. Bath Artist Printmakers provide courses for anyone interested in learning about printmaking. They also hold open days and exhibitions at the workshop throughout the year and welcome visitors to view members’ work.

As an art form printmaking is often misunderstood. Unlike Giclee prints and other commercial methods of reprographics every aspect of an artists print involves the physical input of its creator. Every mark on the plate is applied by hand. Inks are rolled, spread and wiped by hand. The prints are pulled, one by one, through the presses by hand and the editions rarely exceed fifty. So, in this age of digital reproduction we are trying to preserve many of the working practices that have changed little since Rembrandts day and to encourage others to explore the infinite possibilities within the context of contemporary art.
To buy an artwork please contact our Exhibitions Manager, Tony:
Please see for more details.