Heroes of the RUH
Heroes of the RUH is an exhibition showcasing our very own staff. We are proud of all our staff, they are truly inspiring people and are going above and beyond every day to care for their patients. In this exhibition you’ll meet and read about the nurses who provide care around the clock, the surgeons who save lives, the therapists who help get us back on our feet, the cleaners who keep our hospital clean and the other dedicated staff who are keeping our hospital going, even during this incredibly difficult time.
Everyone at the RUH is working with unstoppable determination but they do need your support so that they can continue to be there for you and your loved ones.
Staff Exhibition Area
An exhibition showcasing artwork and photography from our very own RUH staff. As always, a third of all sales made goes to the RUH Arts Fund to bring more artwork and participatory projects to the hospital for patients, visitors and staff to enjoy.
Katrina Logut
Richard Mansfield